Since 2007, PeopleConsulting has been successfully working with a number of major clients from various industries. Work with us and you can get offers from multiple employers and then just choose the best job opportunity for you!
We are looking for professionals for our client who is a leader in the engineering industry:
We are looking for an experienced Sales Director who will become part of Top Management and will have comprehensive oversight and responsibility for the operation and development of the sales division.
We are looking for a hungry, result oriented and structured manager who can lead and motivate his team, leading the business division of a company which is a top engineering and production company expecting significant growth.
Your role will include:
Comprehensive responsibility for the operation and development of the sales division
Development, improvement and implementation of strategic sales topics (forecast, KPIs, long-term strategy aligned with top management)
Preparing, continuously updating and evaluating the company's sales strategy
Management, motivation of a smaller sales team with potential to grow
Seeking business opportunities on an international level, also on government level
Developing relationships with the company's key customers and partners
Optimizing and streamlining the company's business processes
Reporting business results to company management
Location Praha (HQ)
Your role requires:
University degree (ideally in engineering or similar)
Extensive experience in leading and motivation of a smaller sales team
Demonstrable experience of at least five years in an engineering, manufacturing company (in one company in recent years) - a MUST
Ability to develop and implement business strategies and plans, KPIs
Excellent communication and presentation skills
Ability to negotiate and conclude business agreements
Ability to analyse the market and identify new business opportunities
Very good knowledge of the English language (daily usage, internationally)
Czech language at a good level a requirement
Being hungry and willing to overachieve
Our client offers:
A very competitive salary reflecting your experience and skills + annual performance bonuses
Background of a top performing company
Long term potential to grow
Company car also for private use
Other benefits and packages related to this management role
If you are interested, please send us your structured professional CV in English. We look forward to discussing it with you!
Nebudeme-li Vás kontaktovat do dvou týdnů od přijetí Vašeho životopisu, byla v prvním kole výběrového řízení dána přednost jiným uchazečům, kteří na základě zaslaného životopisu lépe splňovali požadavky našeho klienta. Abychom mohli s Vašimi osobními údaji pracovat, je důležité, abyste nám poskytl/a souhlas se zpracováním vašich osobních údajů.
Odpovědí na tuto pracovní nabídku souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů a potvrzujete, že jste měl/a možnost seznámit se informacemi o nakládání s osobními údaji na webových stránkách:
Pokud nám Váš souhlas v rámci GDPR udělit nechcete, prosím uveďte nám tuto informaci v rámci zaslání Vašeho životopisu. Pokud nám souhlas neudělíte, nemůžeme Vám nabízet jiné vhodné a Vašemu profilu odpovídající pracovní nabídky, např. ty, které neinzerujeme.
Jestliže Váš profil bude odpovídat požadavkům na pozici některého našeho klienta, budeme Vás nejpozději do 10 dnů kontaktovat. V případě, že náš klient má jiné požadavky na Vámi poptávanou pozici, zvážíme Váš profil na jiné současné nabídky a zařadíme si Váš životopis do naší databáze. Rádi Vás budeme kontaktovat s jinou pracovní nabídkou odpovídající Vašemu profilu a požadavkům klienta.